
来源:作者:时间:2023-05-16 阅读:4880评论:0赞:0 有0人参与

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) remains committed to ensuring all residents have access to the tools they need to keep community transmission low.

While the end of the federal states of emergency signals a new phase in the pandemic, COVID-19 continues to be one of the leading causes of death in Los Angeles County, requiring ongoing efforts to reduce severe illness through readily available vaccinations, testing and treatment.

Fortunately, Los Angeles County residents will see few immediate changes in their access to preventative resources:

The federal government will continue to make its supply of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, Paxlovid and Molnupiravir, available to residents at no cost regardless of a person’s insurance coverage.

In California, new laws require insurance plans, including Medicare or Medi-Cal, to cover the cost of vaccines, testing and Paxlovid for COVID-19 treatment through Nov. 11, 2023. Exact coverage may vary depending on an individual"s insurance plan.

Residents without insurance may receive free at-home test kits or PCR tests for COVID-19 at public health clinics and vaccination sites, at community health centers or purchase tests from a local retailer. People who are uninsured can visit coveredca.com to see if they qualify for Medi-Cal or Covered California coverage.

Public Health’s Call Center will continue to operate, connecting eligible residents to free telehealth, homebound vaccination appointments, COVID-19 information and other resources. 

洛杉矶县公共卫生部(Public Health)仍然致力于确保所有居民都能获得所需的工具,以降低社区传播。 

虽然联邦紧急状态的结束标志着大流行的新阶段,但 COVID-19 仍然是洛杉矶县的主要死亡原因之一,需要通过随时可用的疫苗接种、检测治疗不断努力减少严重疾病 。


联邦政府将继续向居民免费提供 COVID-19 疫苗和治疗药物 Paxlovid 和 Molnupiravir,无论个人的保险范围如何。 

在加利福尼亚州,新法律要求保险计划(包括 Medicare 或 Medi-Cal)支付 2023 年 11 月 11 日之前用于 COVID-19 治疗的疫苗、检测和 Paxlovid 的费用。具体承保范围可能因个人保险计划而异。 

没有保险的居民可以在公共卫生诊所和疫苗接种点、社区卫生中心或从当地零售商处购买免费的 COVID-19 家庭检测试剂盒或 PCR 检测。 

没有保险的人可以访问 coveredca.com 查看他们是否有资格获得 Medi-Cal 或 Covered California 保险。 公共卫生呼叫中心将继续运营,为符合条件的居民提供免费远程医疗、家庭疫苗接种预约、COVID-19 信息和其他资源。


全球顶级医生协会(Global Top Doctors Association)是美国加州政府正式注册的联邦政府批准的一个非营利性,非宗教,非政治性国际社会组织,总部位于洛杉矶。全球顶级医生协会为中西方医学和精神专业人士的科学研究创造更有利的环境,为他们提供机会在社区,全国以及全球服务人群,满足民众的身体与精神健康需求。




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